Hi Tom,
The installation went very well. I tested ingestion and deletion, both
worked as expected.

The only thing I noticed is ³Received Time² displayed as ³UNKNOWN² after
the file is ingested.



On 2/9/16, 6:08 PM, "Tom Barber" <tom.bar...@meteorite.bi> wrote:

>Okay Wei, Jordan
>Can you guys test this for me whilst I pass out:
>mvn -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.oodt
>-DarchetypeArtifactId=radix-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=0.12-SNAPSHOT
>-Doodt=0.12-SNAPSHOT -DgroupId=com.mycompany     -DartifactId=oodt
>-Dversion=0.1 -DarchetypeRepository=
>https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots/ archetype:generate
>mv oodt oodt-src; cd oodt-src; mvn clean package -Pfm-solr-catalog
>mkdir ../oodt; tar -xvf
>distribution/target/oodt-distribution-0.1-bin.tar.gz -C ../oodt
>cd ../oodt; ./bin/oodt start
>Its 0.12 RADIX with the start script patched so SOLR starts.
>Notice the -P profile flag for solr, it should deploy your solr config
>no extra work.
>Let me know how it goes, I've not tested ingestion but I have verified
>solr and the filemgr are running.
>On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:17 PM, Tom Barber <tom.bar...@meteorite.bi>
>> You don't need vagrant if you don't want it and you can use maven 3 BTW
>> On 9 Feb 2016 22:13, "Tom Barber" <tom.bar...@meteorite.bi> wrote:
>>> Blimey!
>>> Okay you guys are mostly working.  I'm gonna fix the solr maven profile
>>> before I cut 0.12 because it mostly works and it's a lot easier than
>>> solr tutorial! :)
>>> On 9 Feb 2016 22:06, "Shi, Wei" <shi...@med.umich.edu> wrote:
>>>> Here is a list I compiled:
>>>> 1.      Download and Install VirtualBox 5.0
>>>> 2.      Install Vagrant on Windows 7. It will be installed in
>>>> 3.      Install Java
>>>> 4.      Install Maven 2.2.1 (download from maven site cause the blog
>>>> provided link is not working)
>>>> 5.      Install OODT
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OODT/RADiX+Powered+By+OODT
>>>> 6.      You may need to open port 8080 to allow guest to access
>>>> 7.      Recompile filemgr in 0.12 and copy over, Note: logs folder is
>>>> missing. Create logs folder under filemgr
>>>> 8.      File Manger User Guide:
>>>> 9.      Solr
>>>> 10.     Curator Setup
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Tom Barber [mailto:tom.bar...@meteorite.bi]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 3:28 PM
>>>> To: dev@oodt.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Deploying SOLR (was:Re: Fail to ingest a test file to file
>>>> manager on SuSe Linux)
>>>> Out of curiosity, Wei and Jordan if he checks this thread, what
>>>> instructions/hacks are you using to deploy OODT & SOLR?
>>>> I know how I do it, I wondered how others do it, ie, what docs do you
>>>> follow?
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Tom
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