Hi all,

This mail is for Thanking you all for the support and guidance provided
throughout the whole GSoC process.

Honestly, I really enjoyed the past 3 months with OODT and learnt a lot of
new things on development.

This was the first time I participated in GSoC. But I felt so comfortable
with the help of the community.

Especially I want to thank my superb mentors @Tom Barber <t...@spicule.co.uk>
 and @Imesha Sudasingha <ime...@apache.org> for being the two pillars of
this achievement and thanks @Chris and OODT dev community for the support.

Without you people, my mentors and OODT team, I wouldn’t have been able to
complete this project and I hope that I was able to give something back to
you. *You will be seeing me for quite some time as I’m planning to
contribute in future as well.*

Thanks and Best Regards,

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