The coord materialization runnable always does the same task which is
bringing coord jobs eligible for materialization on Oozie server.
So, it shouldn't matter if the one of the task scheduled is lost due to an
error or exception. If only one coord job stops materializing and not
others, I am also thinking that you might be hitting OOZIE-1699. Do you
see that a single job materialization works fine when there is an
Exception but never proceeds when the runnable throws an Error?


On 2/24/14 10:16 AM, "Robert Kanter" <> wrote:

>Shwetha, while that sounds similar to the issue I described, and may have
>similar solution, I don't think they're the same issue.  Your issue looks
>like it has to do with some logic Oozie is using in CallableQueueService
>where its not handling Exceptions properly in an edge case.  My issue has
>to do with how the Java's ThreadPool handles Runnables that throw an
>On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Shwetha GS <> wrote:
>> We had the same issue. We found that because of an edge case, the
>> command(CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand in this case which does the
>> actual materialisation) is added to the unique callable(in
>> CallableQueueService), but is never added to the queue. Hence the
>> materialisation doesn't happen. Since
>>CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand is
>> already in unique callable, further recovery
>> from CoordMaterializeTriggerService doesn't enqueue any
>> more CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand. The issue is being fixed as
>> of This issue can
>> with any command(not just materialisation).
>> To verify if this is indeed the issue,
>> 1. CoordMaterializeTriggerService should pick up this coord every 5
>> mins(materialisation interval)
>> 2. CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand never runs
>> 3. oozie admin -queuedump lists that coord for mater in unique callable
>> On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Robert Kanter <>
>> wrote:
>> > Sorry for the long message, but its hard to explain the issue
>> >
>> > We recently saw a weird issue where Oozie suddenly stopped
>> > actions for a Coordinator job.  All we saw in the logs was this
>> > 2014-01-31 02:10:03,378 WARN org.apache.oozie.service.JPAService:
>> > GROUP[-] TOKEN[-] APP[-] JOB[-] ACTION[-] JPAExecutor
>> > [CoordJobsToBeMaterializedJPAExecutor] ended with an active
>> > rolling back
>> >
>> > After a bunch of digging, I figured out what was happening:
>> >
>> > The CoordMaterializeTriggerService is responsible for materializing
>> > actions via a Runnable that gets scheduled every 5min via the
>> > SchedulerService.  The SchedulerService is backed by a
>> > ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.  The Runnable does a bunch of things, but
>> the
>> > important thing is that it executes
>> > via the JPAService.  In the JPAService#execute(...) method, this
>> > try {
>> >     if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
>> >         LOG.warn("JPAExecutor [{0}] ended with an active transaction,
>> > rolling back", executor.getName());
>> >         *em.getTransaction().rollback();*
>> >     }
>> > }
>> >     catch (Exception ex) {
>> >         LOG.warn("Could not check/rollback transaction after
>> > [{0}], {1}", executor.getName(), ex
>> >             .getMessage(), ex);
>> > }
>> > I've determined that the bold line (the rollback) can throw an Error
>> in
>> > the Throwable, not a synonym for Exception).  For obvious reasons,
>> > not catching this Error anywhere.  This causes the Thread to exit;
>> however,
>> > we don't "lose" any threads because the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
>> > simply start a new one.  However, the task that the thread was
>> is
>> > dropped from the schedule.  According to the documentation [1] it says
>> "If
>> > any execution of the task encounters an exception, subsequent
>> > are suppressed."  I did some testing, and that's not quite true.
>> >  Exceptions don't cause subsequent executions to be suppressed, but
>> Errors
>> > do.
>> >
>> > I tried catching all Errors to figure out what was causing this and
>> > reproduced the problem (or at least a similar problem by killing the
>> MySQL
>> > database) and got a stack trace like this (that I've shorted for
>> brevity):
>> > java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         ...
>> > Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
>> >         at 
>> > Source)
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> >         at
>> >
>> >
>> >         ... 28 more
>> > Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:
>> > Communications link failure
>> > As we can see here [2], ConcreteClassGenerator.newInstance throws an
>> > ExceptionInInitializerError when
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance
>> > throws any Exception; in this case, an InvocationTargetException,
>> it
>> > throws if the underlying constructor in the reflection throws an
>> Exception
>> > [3].  And the underlying constructor is throwing a
>> CommunicationsException
>> > from the MySQL JDBC driver.
>> >
>> > Long story short, in some cases scheduled tasks can throw an Error
>> instead
>> > of an Exception when there's a database-related problem.  And this
>> > them to not be rescheduled.  It is also possible for this to happen to
>> > other tasks being executed via the SchedulerService besides the
>> > CoordMaterializeTriggerService, which would result in other missing
>> > behaviors.
>> >
>> > I also noticed that even when I caught the Error, it still didn't
>> > reschedule the task -- not sure why...
>> >
>> > Any thoughts or suggestions on the best way to recover from this
>> situation?
>> >
>> > Restarting Oozie works, but that's not ideal.
>> > One idea I had was to add some kind of "watchdog" thread that would
>> somehow
>> > notice if a scheduled task hadn't executed in the proper interval +
>> > threshold and reschedule it.
>> > My other, simper, idea is to try to manually reschedule a new
>> > task in the Error catch block, which I'll try soon.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > [1]
>> >
>> >
>> > [2]
>> >
>> >
>> > [3]
>> >
>> >
>> > ..
>> > .)
>> >
>> --
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