OOZIE-1807 and OOZIE-1940 are not related for the use-case you have
specified. As I explain earlier BundleJobChangeXCommand, will apply
changes to bundle job and all coord jobs and will throw exception ( with
list of coord jobs that are killed).


On 9/17/14, 6:18 PM, "bowen zhang" <bowenzhang...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:

>I am actually curious about what patch changes the behavior of bundle
>status that oozie-1940 needs to be committed to fix this.
> From: Mona Chitnis <mona.chit...@yahoo.in>
>To: "dev@oozie.apache.org" <dev@oozie.apache.org>; bowen zhang
>Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:11 PM
>Subject: Re: issue after OOZIE-1807
>Regarding the other issue (if a bundle with two actions - one FAILED due
>to coordinator submission error, other KILLED), bundle is supposed to
>KILLED. I see this taken care of as part of OOZIE-1940
>also(StatusTransitService) but it is not committed to Apache yet.
>Puru can help track down if any of his other patches changed this desired
>Mona Chitnis
>On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 6:05 PM, Mona Chitnis
><mona.chit...@yahoo.in> wrote:
>Bowen just gave me a call regarding this issue. Can you answer his
>question? That'll be faster than me digging through the code.
>Mona Chitnis
>On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 5:51 PM, bowen zhang
><bowenzhang...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
>Hi guys, 
>Purshatom, I see you checked oozie-1807 into the trunk. So, I have a
>question, why does it need to throw an exception when someone wants to
>change a bundle job where one of its coord job is in KILLED state? Due to
>the change in BundleJobChangeXCommand, this is throwing exceptions when
>trying to change a RUNNING bundle job where some of the coord jobs are
>intentionally killed by the user.

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