Robert,Very good plan!
How other  products (pig/hive etc) are handling the Hadoop 1 issue?If they are 
planning in the same way, this will be easy for us.


    On Thursday, September 29, 2016 5:56 PM, Robert Kanter 
<> wrote:


Now that Oozie 4.3 is branched and will be happening soon, I imagine the
next release we do with be Oozie 5 with Oozie On Yarn.  We can continue to
keep OYA in a feature branch until later when it's more stable so we don't
disrupt the master branch in the meantime.  We've already removed 0.23 and
made Hadoop 2 the default.  Removing Hadoop 1 will simplify things, and is
currently in the way of other tasks like upgrading HBase.  I imagine it
will continue to do so more as time goes on.

I'd like to propose the following:

  1. Oozie 4.3 is the last release to support Hadoop 1.  If we want to do
  another Oozie 4.x release later, we can branch it from branch-4.3 instead
  of trunk.  Though I expect 4.3 will be the last minor release of Oozie 4.
  2. Oozie 5 (the master branch; aka trunk) will be the first release to
  support only Hadoop 2 and Hadoop 3 (these should be much more similar than
  Hadoop 1 to 2 was; I expect things will work as-is by just changing the
  Hadoop version so we probably won't even need profiles).  We'll have Oozie
  On Yarn as the marquee feature.
  3. We'll drop Hadoop 1 from the master branch.  We can reuse parts
  of OOZIE-2316.
  4. The master branch will become 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT instead of

I'd like us to take care of #3 soon, because it's getting in the way.  We
might as well also take care of #4 soon too.


- Robert


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