On Dec 11, 2012, at 2:52 AM, AndyG <andy.gumbre...@orprovision.com> wrote:

> If I have my way I would prefer a 'mutable' keyword, with the default being
> 'immutable' (final) ;-).

Man after my own heart :)


An update to that though, is that I've gotten very used to seeing final and now 
declarations without out it look odd.  Funny how we adapt :)

On the `this`, I think it's fine on fields.  Using it on method references is a 
bit odd to look at -- doesn't mean it's bad, just not use to it.

The only thing that I would ask is to do the reformatting separately from the 
actual change.  Bit of a needle in a haystack to find the one fix amongst 
dozens of reformatted lines.  You have no choice but to read each line one by 
one in case there was a subtle code change in there with the final or other 
formatting change.

I often reformat a file and check it in with "reformatted" before I do the real 
editing.  A bit of a pain, but saves everyone time when I commit and saves me 
time in the future when someone finds a bug I have to go back and figure out 
what I did to break something that worked fine.


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