
This is a very serious topic for my company: we're releasing a product
which we document that it is supported with Apache TomEE+ 1.5.x, x=>1. The
rationale for allowing our customers to use an higher "fix" version is to
benefit from Apache Tomcat security fixes.

When our product was based on Apache Tomcat instead of TomEE we had the
same type of support policy : for example we wrote that we supported Apache
Tomcat 7.0x, x=>23.

I am very concerned by a TomEE 1.6.0 version which could put an end to the
1.5.x series.

Would it be possible for Apache TomEE team to stick to Apache Tomcat
version conventions (too late for the middle number which could have stayed
to '0', so we should be at version 1.0.3 instead of 1.5.1) ?

Otherwise, if a 1.6.0 version is actually planned (for Java EE 8 alpha
support, why not), then please keep 1.5.x series actives for a (long).


On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:44 PM, Jean-Louis MONTEIRO <>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> That are some painful bugs in 1.5.1.
> They are fixed in the trunk.
> So the question here is: what are the plans for next releases?
> We have basically 2 options:
> 1. try to push a new 1.5.2 by February or so
> 2. push a 1.6.0
> We don't have so much new features for now, so I'm quite sure, we will get
> a 1.5.2 out.
> Thoughts are welcome.
> Another question is what to put in?
> As said previously, there are number of bugs fixed in trunk.
> Anything else you wanna get in?
> Any work (improvement, bugfixes, dependency updates, etc)?
> --
> Jean-Louis

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