
3) The attribute "pass" in the Server Entity must be FetchType.Lazy and the
insert/update method in the UI/ServerDao must be so modified that the
Server's Entity password is only changed when explicitly set.
Otherwise we would need to create a ServerDTO and use that everywhere where
a Server Entity is send to a client. That would also be the same for the
Wicket UI. We can't send a blank password to the UI.

Sending passwords to the client is a no go. Not even in the admin UI.
Anybody could listen/trace the http traffic and read the passwords (that
are not even MD5 hash'ed cause we need to know it to login from one server
to another, for example to a kick a user in another node in the cluster).
The pass should never be read anywhere. If we need to check the pass or
really need it somewhere we should use a special "JOIN FETCH" query to read
it exceptional).
It will be still a doubt for our future. Storing blank passwords in the
database is just no good idea.
Is there an alternative that we have?


2013/2/4 seba.wag...@gmail.com <seba.wag...@gmail.com>

> I would like to share the progress in the Cluster API.
> For a design overview see:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENMEETINGS/Cluster+Master-Slave+overview
> Status:
> The database session cache as alternative to the memory session cache does
> work now (with a single server and the serverId commented out in the Spring
> config).
> So you can configure the Client to be stored in memory or in database via
> Spring config.
> What needs to be done:
> 1) There are some places in the code where there is a hardcoded "null" for
> the serverId. For example when updateing a Client. This was because in a
> former iteration of the Cluster API "null" meant the Client is on
> "localhost". In the new API, the serverId should be always read from the
> org.apache.openmeetings.session.ServerUtil, which then reads it from the
> Spring config.
> And in the future, when the server is in cluster mode, there is no "null"
> used anymore, serverId null simply means that there is no cluster
> configured.
> It might makes sense to throw an Exception upon startup:
> If serverId == null and serverDao.getServers().size() > 0 => throw
> Exception(" You have to configure a server for this instance to run the
> cluster correctly).
> + the serverId in the Spring config should become the "serverAdress"
> 2) There has to be a "clever" clean up job in the client table each time
> the server starts up.
> Cause what can happen now is: If a server is shut down you still have
> entries in the client table. The next time the server is startup, those
> clients are of course no more online. But the server does not know.
> A simply "delete all" will not work, cause in a cluster you will have
> multiple servers writing to the same database, and you can't "delete all"
> because some servers might be still online.
> So this is a bit tricky.
> The idea would be: If the serverId is NULL (meaning no cluster configured)
> It is save to delete all records in the clients-table upon server start
> If the serverId is NOT NULL (cluster mode), then it you can still clean up:
>       - All clients with the serverId of the current server starting up
> (cause no client can be already connected to a server that just boots)
>       - All clients that are assigned to a serverId in the tables
> "servers" that either does not exist or where the server is flaged as "not
> active".
>       - All clients that have a serverId null
> From my point of view those are the most important things for the session.
> The other issue is with the whiteboard. Whiteboard is stored in memory too
> (because sync method is involved).
> A conference room is always inside the same node of the server. But what
> could happen is, that the cluster gives the room upon the next day/meeting
> to another server/node in the cluster.
> Then the previously written stuff on the whiteboard would be gone (or by
> random chance if the same server is taken, you might get the same
> whiteboard session object again).
> Short story: The whiteboard session must be made configureable to be in
> database too. And there has to be some clever trick to have only small
> effects to the performance while syncing.
> What about the chat, I have seen you made some changes to the chat lately
> Maxim? Is the Chat in the dashboard now in the database?
> Sebastian
> --
> Sebastian Wagner
> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
> http://www.webbase-design.de
> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
> seba.wag...@gmail.com

Sebastian Wagner

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