
what is our current status around demo servers?
There is one at dataved.ru, is that available for public?

demo.openmeetings.de might not come alive again, the cost for me to host
this are too high.

Also I think it might re-initiate a discussion we had before:
Can we organize a demo server from the Apache infrastructure.

Not so much as a public demo server to play around, I see it more as a demo
server for developers. For instance it could run a script that does
download and deploy the latest snapshot from Jenkins. Devs coulds then use
that to do some tests, for instance when there is a release upcoming.

At a later phase we might even discuss some automated tests in the UI using
selenium on that environment. That would advance our quality and minimize
the effort of manual testing.

Any thoughts on this? What was the last status that infra has shared with
us about the availability of such a server?


Sebastian Wagner

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