A collegue of mine told me that JAX-WS RI can be used for SOAP (I believe
it is also part of TomEE)

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 5:15 AM, seba.wag...@gmail.com <
seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some comments:
> Quote: *remove *webservices* jar in favor of "TomEE like annotation based
> REST/SOAP methods"*
> => Does TomEE really have SOAP _and_ REST support out of the Box? As far
> as I could see, from a very high level perspective, it does only support
> REST but not SOAP. It would be good to maybe put a bit of time into
> analyzing that before a decision is made.
> Quote: *2) I would remove FieldLanguage* classes/dao/packages in favor of
> wicket xml resource files + GUI editor (this should dramatically speed up
> the app) in 5.0.0 :)*
> => The motivation for have the fields in the database instead of XML files
> was to speed up loading, reading them from the database is faster then
> parsing XML files. If we move to wicket xml resource files, can we re-use
> the existing Language-Editor or do you have to re-do that GUI?
> Thanks,
> Sebastian
> 2013/6/27 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>
>> Hello Sebastian, All,
>> Below are my thoughts on this topic:
>>    1. Changes I would like to add to the packaging are:
>>       1. Move html/js/css files out of the jars so users can modify them
>>       without repacking
>>       2. remove *webservices* jar in favor of "TomEE like annotation
>>       based REST/SOAP methods"
>>    2. I would like to have 1-2 source folder with well organized tree
>>    structure
>> 1.1 above was already discussed earlier
>> 1.2 I would implement it since Apache Axis seems to have no releases for
>> the very long time and TomEE demo at ApacheCon was really amazing, REST
>> services were created with few lines of code
>> source code structure is not so clean in my head :(
>> I believe org.apache.openmeetings should be the root :)
>> Currently the main packages are:
>> *o.a.o.data* package seems to contain beans defined in
>> openmeetings-aplication.xml file
>> *o.a.o.persistence* seems to contain all entities
>> *o.a.o.test* test root
>> *o.a.o.web* HTML5 root
>> *o.a.o.utils *the root for utilities
>> same time there are lots of subpackages named "beans" all over the code
>> lots of util/utils subpackages
>> lots of redundant packages will need to be removed in 3.0.0
>> What I propose:
>> 1) source for the tests might be moved to separate folder to reduce the
>> tree size and make "readable" it was my decision to join them :(
>> 2) use "singular words" as package names: dao instead of daos, file
>> instead of files, util instead of utils etc.
>> 3) have "o.a.o.dao" root package with all daos
>> 4) have "o.a.o.entity" root package with all entities and the same
>> subtree structure as "o.a.o.dao": so if "o.a.o.dao" contains package
>> "basic" the entities its working with are in "o.a.o.entity.basic" package
>> etc.
>> 5) have "o.a.o.dto" with the same tree structure as entity package
>> 6) I prefer to have "util" packages in the subpackages it belogs like:
>> "o.a.o.web.util" instead of "o.a.o.util.web" not sure if it is good or bad.
>> Some global refactoring thoughts:
>> 1) I would rename FlvRecording/flvrecording to Recording/recording
>> 2) I would remove FieldLanguage* classes/dao/packages in favor of wicket
>> xml resource files + GUI editor (this should dramatically speed up the app)
>> in 5.0.0 :)
>> What do you think?
>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 11:15 AM, seba.wag...@gmail.com <
>> seba.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sure let pick up that topic once you are back.
>>> From my point of view it would be more simply if you have multiple
>>> source folders and give them really self explaining names :)
>>> However the discussion can be also split up into two points:
>>> 1) How to organize sources
>>> 2) How to organize the compiled JARs and packaging
>>> Sebastian
>>> 2013/6/14 Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello Sebastian,
>>>> Sorry for the brief reply with typos (I'm from the phone)
>>>> The initial reason was to simplify the build and navigation: you open 1
>>>> folder and see all sources. I believe some classes/packages will be removed
>>>> after we will fully migrate to HTML5 (*manage* -> *dao*, *service* ->
>>>> /dev/null etc)
>>>> And the source tree will be smaller.
>>>> Additionally we currently have not very clear package structure. I
>>>> would reorganize packages to have beans and daos under the same root with
>>>> less packages.
>>>> I have no sources right now and will be able to continue this
>>>> disscussion after Jun 25, with more detailed proposals :)
>>>> On Jun 12, 2013 2:12 AM, "seba.wag...@gmail.com" <seba.wag...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It is a common practise that you split up / group logical entities in
>>>>> packages.
>>>>> For instance, util classes normally go into a
>>>>> openmeetings-utils-$VERSION.jar.
>>>>> To keep things consistent and more easy to understand for third
>>>>> parties you would normally put those classes that are in different JAR
>>>>> packages also then into separated source folders.
>>>>> That way you can group and build modules. And for instance start
>>>>> defining over which API one module communicates with another, make
>>>>> abstractions and interfaces, replace code or entire jar files with
>>>>> different implementations.
>>>>> I know that you (@Maxim :)) have been melting all together into a
>>>>> single source folder some time ago.
>>>>> I don't really agree with that architecture. It has a lot of issues
>>>>> and it does not scale with the project size.
>>>>> For instance from my point of view, the entire Wicket stuff is already
>>>>> in a separated package. Why is that package not simply another source
>>>>> folder and JAR file? It makes it so much more easy for anybody to read our
>>>>> code base. And it is the first step into a modularization.
>>>>> Compare for instance Spring: There are 10 different packages, each one
>>>>> describing functionality. Not just a single JAR file. Or the Apache 
>>>>> commons
>>>>> project.
>>>>> The same could be done with the persistence package. Those are simple
>>>>> Beans and JPA stuff. Theoretically the DAO's could reference different
>>>>> Beans and in that way you could replace the entire persistence package 
>>>>> with
>>>>> other implementations.
>>>>> However the way we currently structure it, it is simply one big code
>>>>> package and the abstraction into DAO, DTO, utils, Wicket-stuff et cetera 
>>>>> is
>>>>> only obvious if you work with the code for a while.
>>>>> I would suggest we try to refactor that. It makes it a lot easy for
>>>>> new committers to understand the code base. And I think also for us to
>>>>> understand the different components.
>>>>> Questions:
>>>>> A) What do folks think about that ?
>>>>> B) What was the initial reasoning to melt it into a single source
>>>>> folder ?
>>>>> C) What kind of packages do we currently have and which ones are
>>>>> potentially candidates for a separated source and JAR packages?
>>>>> My list of candidates are:
>>>>> 1) org.apache.openmeetings.web - Wicket stuff, source and JAR package
>>>>> could be separated
>>>>> 2) org.apache.openmeetings.persistance.beans - OpenJPA stuff source
>>>>> and JAR package could be separated
>>>>> 3) org.apache.openmeetings.cluster.* - Cluster stuff
>>>>> 4) org.apache.openmeetings.cli.* - Command line tools
>>>>> 5) org.apache.openmeetings.utils.* - Utils stuff
>>>>> ...
>>>>> templates and axis are already separated into different JAR file. Why
>>>>> are they not also a separated source folder (Why should understand this
>>>>> when he compared the binary packages and the source package where those
>>>>> JARs are comming from ?).
>>>>> I think as we are a growing project our code base should be prepared
>>>>> to grow in size. The structure as it is now, could be easily transformed
>>>>> into something more structured.
>>>>> And this structure would help us to identify classes that form a
>>>>> component as well as new committers and 3rd parties to understand our 
>>>>> code.
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sebastian Wagner
>>>>> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
>>>>> http://www.webbase-design.de
>>>>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
>>>>> seba.wag...@gmail.com
>>> --
>>> Sebastian Wagner
>>> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
>>> http://www.webbase-design.de
>>> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
>>> seba.wag...@gmail.com
>> --
>> WBR
>> Maxim aka solomax
> --
> Sebastian Wagner
> https://twitter.com/#!/dead_lock
> http://www.webbase-design.de
> http://www.wagner-sebastian.com
> seba.wag...@gmail.com

Maxim aka solomax

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