Hi all, especially Maxim,

    I am honored inform you about introducing OM into our latest project.
The project was called ubiDIAS that would run by Japan Agency for
Marine-earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
    We had delivered it in last week to JAMSTEC.
    ubiDIAS has three major features. The one is for SNS for members,
the second is for document collaboration by EtherPad, and the third is
    ubiDIAS is collaboration system for members of DIAS project. DIAS
project is for world wide water big data providing system that run by
some organization such like Tokyo univ, Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency, Japan Science and Technology Agency and JAMSTEC.
    We built it for beta system in Fy13, then we are going to blush it
up through test installation in Fy14.
    ubiDIAS means for ubiquitous DIAS system.
    I heard ubiDIAS would be run for using world wide members, not
only researchers but also people who has been interested in world wide
water big data.

    The last year, we could not solved a issue about authentication
between SNS and OM. That was very difficult for me on ver.2 but i have
found the solution on ver.3. So i am going to upgrade it in coming

Thank you.


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