You can also activate the monitor from command line, using misclassified
and detailedF:

bin/opennlp TokenNameFinderCrossValidator
Usage: opennlp
[-factory factoryName] [-resources resourcesDir] [-type modelType]
[-featuregen featuregenFile] [-nameTypes types] [-sequenceCodec codec]
[-params paramsFile] -lang language [-misclassified true|false] [-folds
num] [-detailedF true|false] -data sampleData [-encoding charsetName]

Arguments description:
-factory factoryName
A sub-class of TokenNameFinderFactory
-resources resourcesDir
The resources directory
-type modelType
The type of the token name finder model
-featuregen featuregenFile
The feature generator descriptor file
-nameTypes types
name types to use for training
-sequenceCodec codec
sequence codec used to code name spans
-params paramsFile
training parameters file.
-lang language
language which is being processed.
-misclassified true|false
if true will print false negatives and false positives.
-folds num
number of folds, default is 10.
-detailedF true|false
if true will print detailed FMeasure results.
-data sampleData
data to be used, usually a file name.
-encoding charsetName
encoding for reading and writing text, if absent the system default is used.

William Colen

2016-06-28 11:04 GMT-03:00 William Colen <>:

> Do you have a specific question?
> You can try the default feature generator and check how your model will
> perform in terms of precision and recall. You can take a look at the kind
> of errors (use a EvaluationMonitor
> and try to figure out features that it is missing that would give a hint
> how to perform better.
> Add the features and check  precision and recall again.
> 2016-06-21 13:45 GMT-03:00 <>:
>> Please share the usages of Adaptive features that are used in NER tagging?
>> Regards,
>> Rakesh.P

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