+1 - Tested with multiple other projects. Tested language detector.

2017-07-07 10:52 GMT-03:00 Joern Kottmann <kottm...@gmail.com>:

> +1 i did run the eval the tests and they passed
> Jörn
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 1:06 PM, Bruno P. Kinoshita
> <brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br.invalid> wrote:
> > Build passing OK with the following environment:
> > Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c09453c07478323dc5;
> 2015-11-11T05:41:47+13:00)
> > Maven home: /opt/maven
> > Java version: 1.8.0_131, vendor: Oracle Corporation
> > Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
> > Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> > OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-83-generic", arch: "amd64", family:
> "unix"
> >
> > Had a look at simple reports (findbugs, pmd), all looking good.
> > [ X ] +1 Release the packages as Apache OpenNLP 1.8.1
> >
> > ThanksBruno
> > ________________________________
> > On Thursday, 6 July 2017, 1:21:32 AM NZST, Suneel Marthi <
> smar...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The Apache OpenNLP PMC would like to call for a Vote on Apache OpenNLP
> 1.8.1
> > Release Candidate 3.
> >
> > The Release artifacts can be downloaded from:
> >
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/
> orgapacheopennlp-1016/org/apache/opennlp/opennlp-distr/1.8.1/
> >
> > The release was made from the Apache OpenNLP 1.8.1 tag at
> >
> > https://github.com/apache/opennlp/tree/opennlp-1.8.1
> >
> > To use it in a maven build set the version for opennlp-tools or
> opennlp-uima
> > to 1.8.1
> >
> > and add the following URL to your settings.xml file:
> >
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/
> orgapacheopennlp-1016/
> >
> > The artifacts have been signed with the Key - D3541808 found at
> >
> > http://people.apache.org/keys/group/opennlp.asc
> >
> > Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache OpenNLP 1.8.1. The
> vote is
> >
> > open for the next 72 hours *ending on Saturday, July 8AM EST *.
> >
> > Only votes from OpenNLP PMC are binding, but folks are welcome to check
> the
> >
> > release candidate and voice their approval or disapproval. The vote
> passes
> >
> > if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.
> >
> > [ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache OpenNLP 1.8.1
> >
> > [ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...
> >
> > Thanks again to all the committers and contributors for their work
> > over the past
> > few weeks.

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