Hi all, The following two issues were recently discovered (credit to Martin Wiesner):
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENNLP-1538 - Ensure all integration tests are run during Eval build It was recently learned that *IT.java tests are not being run during the build. One of those tests, the POSTaggerIT.java class, will fail when run. These tests should be run during the eval-tests which run on ASF's Jenkins instance. This issue is related to the second issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENNLP-1539 - Introduce parameter for POSTaggerME to configure output POS tag format The original OpenNLP POS models available through Sourceforge used VB for a verb. The Universal Dependencies corpus, upon which the newer OpenNLP POS models were trained, uses VERB instead. This gives an inconsistency between the code and the documentation. This is being discussed on the ASF Slack in the #opennlp channel (ping me if you need an invite to the ASF Slack) but I wanted to bring attention to it on the mailing list, too. Thanks, Jeff