I know there's a lot of plates spinning as cutover from graduation occurs.

It seems to me this is not an insignificant problem:
 1. People who see the IP-encumbered code on the AOO SVN are not privy to the 
SGA.  All they have to go by are the notices that they see there.

 2. There are limitations on who is empowered to do anything about that.

 3. To make the cleanup incremental and conditional on some future events seems 
completely inconsistent with the SGA, which has no strings attached.

In order for volunteers to choose to work on this code, even to repair 
difficulties building it and to exercise interesting components for potential 
integration in AOO, is problematic since using the current code and committing 
changes to it leads to IP provenance issues.  The community should not be 
confronted by such a sustained ambiguity.

Rob, can you help?  I am certain that great effort and good will was extended 
in making the Symphony contribution.  It will be a shame that the delivery 
remains incomplete in this way.

 - Dennis
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 11:01
To: ooo-...@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS]: next step towards graduation

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
> I don't think deleting the files of the Symphony contribution is a 
> constructive step.

You overstate things.  There is no IPR issue here.  The IPR is set by
the SGA.  The question is about updating headers, which neither adds
nor subtracts any rights anyone has with respect to these files.   It
is documentation work that should be done, yes.  But let's not make it
something it is not.

> Cleaning up the IPR will work for everyone.

And indeed it will be done, per the process, before this code is
included in a release.

> When can the ASF expect the letter from IBM that you have offered to request?

When I know I'll post that info.


[ ... ]

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