Please see <> in addressing 
security vs protection in the UX also.


It is important to appreciate that there is no recommendation about AES for the 
ODF 1.2 manifest:algorithm-name.  The only mandated algorithm for conformant 
ODF 1.2 documents, producers, and consumers is Blowfish CFB.  Other encryptions 
defined in XML Encryption 1.0 are allowed in conforming documents but there is 
no interoperability provision for them in ODF 1.2.

The choice for Save with Password should be simply whether to use ODF 
1.0/1.1/1.2 Blowfish or (for ODF 1.2 only) AES-256.  


The only place where there is a meaningful SHA1 versus SHA256 determination for 
encryption is in the choice of manifest:start-key-generation-name.  This choice 
is independent of the encryption used.  It determines whether a 160-bit or a 
256-bit password hash is provided to the PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA-1 for derivation 
of the actual encryption keys to be used.  That hash is a secret and there is 
some improvement in protecting the encryption when SHA256 is used.

For ODF 1.0/1.1/1.2 across the board, the common provision is with SHA1 as the 
default.  The use of SHA256 and provision of the optional 
manifest:start-key-generation-name attribute applies only to ODF 1.2 documents. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: When selecting 256 for ODF 1.2 encryptions (preferably only 
with the use of AES in ODF 1.2 documents), the URI 
<> in the ODF 1.2 specification is 
INCORRECT.  It should be <>.  See

If it is thought meaningful to feed an SHA256 into PDBKDF2 instead of starting 
with an SHA1, by all means use it for ODF 1.2 documents when AES is the 
encryption algorithm.  There is probably no reason to make this an 
user-selectable option since ODF 1.2 consumers must accept either case and it 
is unclear what informed choice is to be expected of users.


There should be no user selection concerning SHA1 versus SHA256 with respect to 
manifest:checksum.  The manifest:checksum and manifest:checksum-type provisions 
are neither security nor privacy related.  They are to assist in checking 
whether the decryption is succeeding.  The mandated cases for consumers only 
work on the first 1k bytes of the unencrypted file part and the choice between 
SHA1-1k and SHA256-1k is insignificant.  Only the SHA1-1k will work across all 
of ODF 1.0/1.1/1.2. SHA256-1k must be supported by ODF 1.2 consumers, so it is 
safe to use when producing an ODF 1.2-specific AES-256 encryption if desired.  
In this particular application of digital hashes, there is however no advantage 
of SHA256 over SHA1 and faster is better.  

Note: Either way, these checksum values disclose information about the 
*unencrypted* package file.  In the future, it is desirable to use encryption 
algorithms that allow manifest:checksum to be dropped while also verifying the 
integrity of the encryption/decryption.


Making a choice between SHA1 and SHA256 for *protections*, not encryptions, is 
meaningful only when a document is saved as ODF 1.2.  There is no choice when 
saving as ODF 1.0/1.1/1.2 for legacy compatibility.  The across-the-board 
default is SHA1.  Since protections are trivially defeated without any concern 
for the digital hash value of the protection key, the only reason for SHA256 is 
to make it slightly harder for someone to discover the password from the 
protection key.  

Since the protection key value is not a secret and it is easily extracted from 
the document, SHA256 versus (160-bit) SHA1 is not a big improvement.  Passwords 
used for protection keys are vulnerable to compromise and exploitation.  


 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Ariel Constenla-Haile [] 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 08:39
Subject: [UX] UI options for document encryption

On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 05:19:11PM +0100, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> >> The "Encryption GUI" item has not attracted a sponsor. I added
> >> this per the resolution of a very long discussion in BZ [1].
> >> Subsequently, Jürgen wrote an extension to set "SHA256" mode, and
> >> I wrote a macro[2] to toggle the settings; both are still
> >> available.  (I have no idea whether any or many users have used
> >> them.)
> >> 
> >> [1] <>
> >> 
> >> [2] <>
> >> (this page includes text suitable for release notes)
> >> 
> >> If somebody wants to pick up on this, and implement a GUI
> >> (probably in Tools > Options, possibly on the Save and Save As
> >> dialogs), that's wonderful. Lacking all fu for SVN and C++, I
> >> can't volunteer for this.
> > 
> > the best way is to start a new thread asking for UX advice where
> > to include the option. IMHO the Save dialogs are a no-go, the
> > average user will have no idea what this means.
> > 
> > On the other hand, Tools > Options > Load/Save > General has almost
> > no space to add anything else, but may be a new "Encryption"
> > options page is an overhead...
> > 
> Mmh, maybe directly over the "Size optimization ..." checkbox.
> I have thought initially about Tools -> Options -> ->
> Security. There should be enough place for a checkbox with some
> explanation.

Changing the subject so that Kevin et al. can find it.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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