Hi Stuart,

I am back from the Spring Festival. Sorry for the late reply.

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:05 AM, V Stuart Foote <vstuart.fo...@utsa.edu>wrote:

> Steve,
> Nothing substantive yet in working through the Windows build of the ia2
> branch. Should we build against Linux and OSX and be testing for impact on
> ATK/AT-SPI and NSAccessibility User Interface?

Agreed. Testing the branch on Linux and OSX is necessary.

> And, with QA and testing of the ia2 branch proceeding what mechanism
> should folks use for reporting and tracking issues on the ia2 branch
> builds?

> Should we stay with PM and ML exchanges, or start to use Bugzilla at
> issues.apache.org/ooo?  I believe that starting with BZ tracking now
>  provides continuity upon merge of branch back into AOO4.00.

Bugzilla may be the best choice.

> And, if into Bugzilla, would suggest a note in your AOO 4.0 IAccessible2
> release planning wiki that  QA participants and casual users report in
> Bugzilla categorized for consistency as against:
>    Product: UI
>    Component: AccessBridge
>    Version: AOO4.00-dev

Good suggestion. Thanks.

> Stuart
> =-=-=
> Sidebar--the legacy IAccessible2 enhancement bug could probably be revised
> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=107914
> And here is a generic BZ search for accessibility issues
> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&resolution=---&short_desc=msaa%20accessible%20iaccessible%20iaccessible2%20accessibility&short_desc_type=anywordssubstr&order=component%2Cpriority%2Cbug_severity&query_based_on=

Best Regards,

Steve Yin

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