On 12/02/2013 Peter Eberlein wrote:
Am 05.02.2013 22:34, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
Do you mean that not only you wish that OpenOffice export fields as
"enterable fields" (which it already does) but that the PDF file
produced by OpenOffice should also support the ability to save form
content? But is this ability a document property or something that
depends on the PDF reader being used?
Yes, I mean the ability to save the content of form fields. ...
It's a document property and doesn't depend on the reader.

I had a look. Actually it is more complex, i.e., as it happens for other document properties, readers have different behavior in obeying or ignoring restrictions.

I created a simple form (using the Form Controls toolbar) with OpenOffice 3.4.1. Then I opened it using Evince, and I was able to save the filled-out form with no problems; from the link you sent, it seems that the same would happen if one uses FoxIt Reader. But then I tried to open it with Adobe Reader (9.5.3) and indeed it didn't allow me to save the form.

So I opened an enhancement issue to see whether we may make Adobe Reader happy:
Note that the general issue was already extensively discussed in
but it's a discussion from over 6 years ago and many details do not apply any longer.


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