Howdy Folks,

Long time no speak - I noticed the pedning the 4.0 release, read an email
the other day regarding the use, or not so much, of the blog for an
announcemtn and more social media. Thought perhaps you would like a short
'release announcement' type video perhaps.

I took the liberty of spinning up a very brief such item, which you can
find here:
[unzip the a4.mp4 video file from the uploaded zip container]

This is just 13 seconds, very low key, I think classy however (course' I'm
bias), I had in mind an audiance of those already using the suite and just
waiting for the release - so useful maybe on FB or G+, but if it suits
anyone please feel free to use it in any fashion you see fit.

Now - one item, I have not been on-line much for many months (only 1 a week
for a few hours on average) and have not kept up with the goings on, so,
was not able to quickly find a vector graphic of what I take if the new
logo, only - I did what I could using the PNG image I found on the wiki,
but I'm sure there is a better image available.

So, if anyone knows where a vector image for that logo can be found I
appreciate it if you could ping back to this mail on the list with the URL.

I would also like to offer, and have started, a second video. Longer, 45 -
90 sec. range, with a quick summary of new features. A little different
audiance from the shorty here, I suppose. To start that I've downloaded all
the information from the release notes page on the wiki, have used this to
generate some raw screen video catpure for the GUI changes and will use,
with your permission If I may, the graphics from the wiki for some of the
file fidelity enhancements.

On this second piece, the problem is likely of what *not* to include, if I
want to hit the length mark above - that certainly would benefit from
collaboration on the list here. Also, because I've not been following along
the list on a reagular basis I'm not sure if anyone is dong somthing like
that already, if so I would offer to help - otherwise, I planned on putting
a first cut together over the weekedn and would make a copy to the list for
merciless review (the best kind of course). If anyone wants to post on the
list to the email with a script though - it wouldn't hurt at all ;)

Thanks for all your had work, it shows in the product.


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