Am 07/27/2013 10:40 PM, schrieb sebb:
On 27 July 2013 21:19, Marcus (OOo)<>  wrote:
Sometimes we get comments from users like "I cannot find AOO for my iPhone"
or similar.

Instead of leaving them alone I've started to update the DL scripting to
recognize platforms and operating systems that AOO does not support. But
instead of give an error back or just do nothing, the scripting shows that
the release for the (hopefully currectly) recognized platform / OS is not
available and points to the "other.html" webpage.

Now I would like to ask you to test this with devices and OSes you have
available to see how it works and where it has to be improved:

a) Is the device or OS recognized and stated correctly?
b) Which combinations are not recognized and instead the term "unknown OS"
is shown?

Please remember:
The analyze webpage will help to see what is recognized and actually shown:

Please open BZ issues for these problems:

Maybe a single BZ issue would be better than one per reporter?

There could be a lot of issues created; it's likely there will be many

Perhaps create a generic issue and link to it from this email thread.

I expect to get a copy of the analyze webpage to see the details. So, many users paste their data into a single issue will mess this up totally. IMHO seperate issues are better to manage this - even when there will be some duplicates. And when I do the fixes fast then there won't be much dups. (yes, joking) :-P

Thanks a lot for your different suggestions. They help to improve the increase the user experience for the download webpages.


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