On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 4:08 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
<orwittm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 14.08.2013 18:59, Rob Weir wrote:
>> We're working now on AOO 4.0.1, to fix defects in AOO 4.0.0.  The fact
>> that we're doing this, and their are no arguments against it, shows
>> that we value quality.   I'd like to take this a step further, and see
>> what we can learn from the defects in AOO 4.0.0 and what we can do
>> going forward to improve.
>> Quality, in the end, is a process, not a state of grace.  We improve
>> by working smarter, not working harder.  The goal should be to learn
>> and improve, as individuals and as a community.
>> Every regression that made it into 4.0.0 was added there by a
>> programmer.  And the defect went undetected by testers.  This is not
>> to blame.  It just means that we're all human.  We know that.  We all
>> make mistakes.  I make mistakes.  A quality process is not about
>> becoming perfect, but about acknowledging that we make mistakes and
>> that certain formal and informal practices are needed to prevent and
>> detect these mistakes.
>> But enough about generalities.  I'm hoping you'll join with me in
>> examining the 32 confirmed 4.0.0 regression defects and answering a
>> few questions:
>> 1) What caused the bug?   What was the "root cause"?  Note:
>> "programmer error" is not really a cause.  We should ask what caused
>> the error.
>> 2) What can we do to prevent bugs like this from being checked in?
>> 3) Why wasn't the bug found during testing?  Was it not covered by any
>> existing test case?  Was a test case run but the defect was not
>> recognized?  Was the defect introduced into the software after the
>> tests had already been executed?
>> 4) What can we do to ensure that bugs like this are caught during testing?
>> So 2 basic questions -- what went wrong and how can we prevent it in
>> the future, looked at from perspective of programmers and testers.  If
>> we can keep these questions in mind, and try to answer them, we may be
>> able to find some patterns that can lead to some process changes for
>> AOO 4.1.
>> You can find the 4.0.0 regressions in Bugzilla here:
>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&remaction=run&namedcmd=400_regressions&sharer_id=248521&list_id=80834
> Please include also issue with status ACCEPTED.

Done.  That now gives us 36.


> Best regards, Oliver.
>> Regards,
>> -Rob
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