Hello everyone,

Recent days I have tried some improvement in the version 4.0 from release
notes [1] . But I got a problem in my implementation.
The item "Support more Numbering&bullet types in docx"  is under the index
"OOXML general". And that is where my question is.

I use the function which is "numbering" to enter the following words in MS

一.     some words

二.      some words

三.      some words

壹、some words

貳、some words

參、some words

甲、some words

乙、some words

丙、some words

And I saved it as docx. In fact, whatever I used doc or docx, I got the
same result as I opened the doc or docx file with AOO:

1.     some words

2.      some words

3.      some words

壹、some words

貳、some words

參、some words

甲、some words

乙、some words

丙、some words

The problem is that Chinese number (一二三 is equal to 123) cannot be convert
completely in AOO.
Does I got wrong understanding in this improvement or there is something

Also, if this improvement is not talking about what I did above, how can I
contribute and improve my problem?



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