On 9 November 2013 00:47, Ricardo Berlasso <rgb.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some people get certificate errors on the forums
> https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=65462
> I can see this too every now and then, but not on the browser: reading the
> ES forum rss feeds Akregator sometimes shows, apparently at random times, a
> certificate error.

"Your Security certificate is giving errors just thought you should know.
The Error I am getting is Mixmatched Address:
The security certificate presented by this website
was issued for a different website's address."

This error should not be random but comes every time a page that contains
src= or href= http://xyz is loaded.

The error is a serious warning, that the page you are loading contains
unsecure content (http://).

This is the part I have warned about earlier (and dave f. has taken care of
for www). The databases of forum and wiki should be updated (any vm admin
can do that), so that all relevant (ref inside forum/wiki)
src=http://xyzand href=
http://xyz are changed to src=//xyz and href=//xyz.

jan I.

> Regards,
> Ricardo

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