Le 23/12/2013 17:32, jan i a écrit :
On Dec 23, 2013 2:54 PM, "Hagar Delest" <hagar.del...@laposte.net> wrote:
Le 22/12/2013 11:04, jan i a écrit :

On 22 December 2013 10:46, Hagar Delest<hagar.del...@laposte.net>  wrote:

Le 22/12/2013 02:36, Rob Weir a écrit :

On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Hagar Delest<hagar.del...@laposte.net>

Hi All,

For the record, I've created a Gmail account (aoo.forum...@gmail.com)
that users can really contact the forum team. We had in the past an
automatic process that could reply and give the user basic information
(registered or not, ...). Since it's no longer working since the move
ASF, we had no means to handle problems from users (login failures and

Is there any reason we can not use a mailing list for this?  I'd
rather we use an Apache-owned mailing list (a private one if needed)
than a GMail account that we do not control.

Why not a mailing list as long as it is private.
If you find someone to explain how it would work and to implement it, no

you need to file a jira (project infra) requesting the ML. Please add who
should be moderator

We have another request pending for a german mailing list.
Well, I've no problem with that but the process that was in place in the
past was much more powerful: it first checked if it was a first message
from the poster and if the mail was already known in the user database. The
reply was then adapted (and automated). Moderators had only to check if
further action had to be taken.
Complete description here:
With a mailing list, we would have to do that manually. It's the same for
now with the Gmail address but if we need to set up a ML, I want to be sure
that it can't be avoided by restoring the old process. And if a ML has to
be created to have the backlog (to replicate what is populated in the forum
admin thread about that), I've no problem.
Depending on your time timeframe I might be able to help with a solution.
Today I cannot help, but if I maintain the servers in the future (after
january) I am willing to help getting the old solution to work.
There is no emergency! We have made without during more than 2 years, it's not a question of days now. I raised the problem as an example of one of the most lacking features that was implemented in the past. The fact is that I'm very concerned by volunteers giving up (that's indeed the good word). So the main purpose of my call was to make everyone aware of the problems that need to be fixed ASAP and with real decisions.

We already have the forum admins. acknak and myself are the 2 really active.
Andrew was promoted at the time of the move to ASF servers.
super, then we only need to seetle on how to maintain the vm itself which
is in progress.

In case I get sysadm (again) without the interference of other sysadmins, you dont need to make a jira for simple configuration issues (ML is different). If we end up with multiple sysadms then a jira is the only (and silly) way to coordinate thigs. I have no idea where the "lazy consensus" on sysadms goes. I am afraid we end in the same situation as last, lazy consensus == yes, but the people involved (vm-team) have not responded positively.
Well, in this case, I guess we have to be proactive. If we wait after the Christmas and New Year break, I propose that your proposal ([LAZY CONSENSUS] maintenance of ooo-wiki2-vm.a.o and ooo-forums.a.o) gets adopted by lazy consensus if no one objects.

NB: I read again the discussion about "requirements for vm-admins of forum/translate/wiki" from September. Sorry to revive such problems...


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