Items to ponder:

1. Anyone can sue anyone any time they desire for anything, but, a judge can throw it out and a lawyer will likely not take the case unless they believe that they will win money or the person must be willing to pay for the service.

2. Filing nuisance law suites is usually done by people who have a law background or have spent a lot of time learning the system because a lawyer will usually not take the case and they must have sufficient time to file a complaint that they are able to do without external help from a lawyer.

3. The problem is, if they do take you to court and it makes it to court, if no one shows up, then they win by default.

4. I am not a lawyer, but, I think that even if I have a disability, I will still be kicked out of an establishment if I cause trouble. I knew a guy who was very demanding because of his "disability" and I was with him when he was kicked out of a restaurant because he caused a huge scene. The other people applauded the manager. None of this was related to his disability, he was just rude, which did not prevent him from claiming otherwise.

I am not aware of a "disability" that causes people to post unrelated rude messages.

On 01/20/2014 11:27 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
We (Apache OpenOffice) recently had a user subscribe our users mailing
list (500+ subscribers), and cause general disruption:

1) Many posts (20+) in a short period of time

2) Posts were off topic

3) She attacked list moderators and other members of the list

4) She threatened that she would report anyone who flamed her to their
ISP or the Department of Justice for hate crimes.  I was cc'ed on one
email where she did exactly that to another subscriber of the mailing

I would be inclined to contact her ISP and complain about harassment if she has this pattern.

Said person never asked a single question regarding the use of
OpenOffice, which is the purpose of the users mailing list.

We had several complaints from other users, and several unsubscribed
because they could not deal with the disruption.  As list moderator I
banned her.

Then she started flooding our private mailing list, claiming that we
were violating her civil rights, violating the Americans with
Disabilities Act, etc., because we banned her.  Reading between the
lines it sounds like she is claiming the mailing list is a place of
public accommodation and her disability (which seems to be form of
ADHD) prevents her from controlling her conduct on the mailing list.

We then banned her from mailing to the private list as well.  But now
she has started using a new email address, sending more complaints and
threatening to report us to the Justice Department in two weeks if we
don't allow her back on the users list.

PMC members are split on whether to ignore her, engage her, ban her, etc.

Note:  she has not requested any specific accommodation.

She causes others to leave. She creates new email addresses so that she can continue the abuse. Sounds like a stalker.

In my most-recent note to her I wrote:

"If you do have a technical question about Apache OpenOffice, I want to
make sure you are aware that there are several other avenues for
support described here:

If you get stuck on any of those support options, feel free to send me
a note directly and I, acting as your personal support concierge, will
point you in the right direction and try to accommodate any special

So no one can accuse us of not making a good faith to accommodate her.
  But this has not helped.

Any thoughts on this?  Is there any risk to the ASF or our volunteers
in moderating mailing lists or banning disruptive users?


I certainly don't want to be bothered by her posts.

Andrew Pitonyak
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