On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Ian Lynch <ianrly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sounds a bit like the Marcons for marketing in the original OO.o project.

Right.   But I hope it is clear to everyone that the main difference
between OOo and AOO is not the lack of titles.   The main difference
is the lack of a large number full-time, professional developers and
QA from Sun.   Adding or subtracting titles, or swapping them around,
does not change that.   Adopting the Apache License or the MPL does
not change that.  Having a PMC or an Advisory Board does not change
that.    This is not to say that the PMC Chair is not an important
role.  It is.  But it does not change the basic facts on the ground.

So let's get this election over with and get on to dealing with the
critical tasks ahead.



> On 13 January 2015 at 09:45, RA Stehmann <anw...@rechtsanwalt-stehmann.de>
> wrote:
>> On 12.01.2015 23:22, Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> > Of course, the community could create such roles—Marketing Leads, say.
>> Done that before, and it works fine. But I’m also keen—and I think others
>> are, too—in keeping to a minimum bureaucratic structures. (Not because I
>> dislike bureaucracy—I don’t, in theory, as a means of resolving
>> differences—but because titles and roles tend to calcify, and that I don’t
>> think anyone likes.)
>> In the "historic" germanophone community we have roles called
>> "Ansprechpartner". That means a person, to whom topics can be addressed.
>> We have "Ansprechpartner" (contact persons) for marketing, QA; Mac-port,
>> website, translation etc..
>> So it was clear, that these persons had adopted a special responsbility,
>> but there was no special power given to them.
>> I think, it might be a first step, if some of the PMC members would
>> tell, for what topic they can be a contact person. Maybe we can add this
>> in the list of the PMC members on the website, improving transparency,
>> like we do it for mailinglists, blog, svn, bugzilla, wiki and social media.
>> Kind regards
>> Michael
> --
> Ian
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