On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <dennis.hamil...@acm.org
> wrote:

> Maintaining the independently-developed VCL GUI framework is an
> important concern.  (Then there's UNO as a cross-platform COM
> derivative.)

There's two possible approaches that I could see, long-term.


Separating the VCL GUI Framework as a separate Apache project, boosting its
adoption into OTHER FOSS and Apache projects. This way, it gets more
developers, more usage, and more fixes, faster.

1b Doing the same for UNO

#2 Making AOO.Next use OpenJFX 2.2+, which is, incidentally, what ORCL
wanted to do with OpenOffice.org and StarOffice before the LO freedom
fighters *pun intended* caused the demise of the product and the layoffs.


OpenJFX is open source, and beginning with 2.2, allows native packaging of
JFX apps without requiring the installation or availability of the JRE.

Plus, OpenJFX allows the GUIs tweakling to be done in CSS, which in turn
allows for simple portability to mobile devices.
see http://code.makery.ch/blog/javafx-vs-html5/

So far, JavaFX seems to be pretty robust for mission critical apps... if in
doubt ask NASA ;)


For #2, however, there's licensing issues (OpenJFX being GPL) which I won't
get into because I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know how easy it'd be to
integrate with AOO..

#3 (I know I said two... but...) There's Apache Pivot's WTK tookit. I have
no idea of how well it compared to JavaFX

Food for thought, thinking aloud.


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
- George Orwell

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