It's time to decide what goes into 4.1.2 and what doesn't. Not in terms of specific bugfixes (we have the standard process of nominating release blockers for this and I don't plan to change it), but in terms of categories. The following is a realistic list of what we can have in 4.1.2. Shall we take it as the overall plan for 4.1.2?

1. Bugfixes

This is obvious: being a bugfix release, OpenOffice 4.1.2 will contain fixes for the most important/annoying 4.1.1 bugs. Actually 4.1.1 is proving to be very stable, but we have some bugs fixed on trunk already (and a few more with patches ready) that should be considered. We'll come to this in separate discussions.

2. Features

As the release number tells, OpenOffice 4.1.2 is not meant to come with many new features. But there are two fields where we should make exceptions and introduce new features: * Digital signing: Infra has prepared months ago (with significant investments) the whole infrastructure for us to produce digitally signed packages, which would install with no problems/warnings for Windows users. Jan already made some experiments, but he also clarified he will be very busy with organizing ApacheCon in these months, so we may need someone to step up here. * Windows 10: Millions of our users will run Windows 10 within a few weeks. OpenOffice is reported to work smoothly on Windows 10 pre-releases. Should any major Windows 10 incompatibilities appear, they should be fixed in 4.1.2.

3. Localization

* Existing translations: Pootle is now tracking the 4.2.0 release, so translators do not have an immediate way to fix translations for 4.1.2. There is a possibility to check whether we can reuse the 4.2.0 strings for 4.1.2, but due to the version clash I would prefer to fix strings upon request, in the SDF files directly and only in the case of major, well-defined bugs (example: the Italian version has a typo in a main menu item; it is fixed in Pootle for 4.2.0 AND we can edit the SDF file manually to fix it for the 4.1.x line).

* New translations: same problem with Pootle; we don't have any new translations (additional with respect to 4.1.1) ready at the moment; if a translation reaches 100%, I'm available to investigate better what we can do with the Pootle 4.2.0 strings for 4.1.2, since that would be the most logical solution.

* Existing dictionaries: no problem, we will integrate them as usual. A deadline will be agreed upon and sent to the l10n list.

* New dictionaries: no problem, we will integrate them as usual. A deadline will be agreed upon and sent to the l10n list.


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