> On 04 Sep 15, at 16:05, Roberto Galoppini <roberto.galopp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-09-04 19:39 GMT+02:00 Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com>:
>> Comments inline; Roberto, feel free…
> Actually I didn't go since the Orvieto Plugfest, that is almost 10 years
> ago. Anyway, I believe we missed the opportunity to come up with something
> valuable and interesting for the agenda, unless someone has a different
> idea. If I would have gone I would have joined the technical sessions, but
> again our understanding of how AOO is or is not compliant with the finally
> approved ODF 1.2 is little at best.

Interesting; I had the impression you’d gone to the most recent. Then, it would 
seem the case Rob and I have gone to more, as I’ve attended most of them, 
though not since 2012 Brussels. 

> To all this we should add the concerns and questions rightfully raised by
> Dennis, here and on the other thread.

> I would favor us to get a hold of where are we in respect of such a
> standard, and plan to join the next Plugfest.

I would go further and suggest we shape the content of our future. Not spectate.

> My two cents.

I raise you a loony. (Loony: the Canadian dollar but probably less than that, 
given the plunging value of "money"; also a bird and useful adjective 
indicating craziness.)
> Roberto
>> best
>> louis
>>> - Dennis
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Louis Suárez-Potts [mailto:lui...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 07:27
>>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] ODF Plugfest, September 2015
>>> Hi
>>> [ ... ]
>>> Status, then, is:
>>> * We need to update the English flyer that OpenDocs Society has created.
>> Roberto (or DH) seem to think this is a PMC-level decision. Be that as it
>> may, I think it’s in our interest as ODF implementers to do it.
>>> * We are agreed that it would be good to have an AOO representative at
>> the upcoming ODF Plugfest. "Upcoming" is an understatement; it’s nearly
>> imminent, 15& 16 September of this year.
>>> * Roberto cannot go. Andrea cannot go. Dennis (whose has invested a lot
>> of time into ODF matters) cannot go. I may be able to go but would need to
>> have my travel taken care of by our bursary. As I live in Toronto, it’s
>> bound to be more expensive than someone coming from Europe.
>>> - Rob would also be a choice, as he used to lead, and may still, the
>> Oasis TC, where ODF matters are decided (or not…). Rob? Rob would also
>> encounter the same Atlantic as I, and as he is with a large company, there
>> may be issues with him accepting AOO funds. (There were such issues when I
>> was with large corporations.)
>>> Why is this event important? The UK government back in 2014 announced
>> its ODF desires for a large swath of public documents. Other governmental
>> entities in other parts of continental Europe, have been hedging towards
>> ODF or at least away from 20th-century style desktop/intranet installations
>> and toward what could be a future (or just a lousy investment). This ODF
>> plugfest has several of the governmental practitioners presenting or
>> attending.
>>> Our concern is that they look to AOO and see…. nada. An absence the
>> would confirm what the tech journos love writing about us, that we’re dead,
>> dying, and worse, stifle the living communities.
>>> I don’t think those representations are justified at all, and I would
>> hate for them to be given the semblance of truth by our absence
>>> But this is not the only Plugfest that will happen nor is it the first
>> that has taken place since the UK gov’t’s announcement. The world will not
>> come to an end because we do not show. But it would be better if we did.
>>> Finally, if we do need to take a PMC vote on updating the English flyer,
>> then let’s get that going. Personally, I’d just think that if someone wants
>> to tackle it, please, go ahead and drag in whomever else you want and is
>> willing to help out. Why do we need to add yet more bureaucracy to this?
>>> Because to print out a lot of the flyers and make them look glossy and
>> cool, that takes money, which we can spend, but only after the PMC has
>> voted on doing so. Hence the PMC vote.
>>> -louis
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