> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org]
> Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2016 05:20
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Release Manager for 4.2.0?
[ ... ]
> We have a "baseline", minimal system requirements that are supposed to
> be valid for all the 4.x releases. We build releases on old (but still
> supported) system to guarantee maximum compatibility for users. No ASF
> buildbots match our baseline (they are all more advanced).
[ ... ]
> [Building this way involves] a fairly ordinary system
> that is "specialized" since it is only available to one person. The best
> thing would be to get the same system moved to ASF-owned VMs, accessible
> to all PMC members who want to do so. 
[ ... ]
At present, the discussion with
> Infra is stalled as explained above.

It seems to me that we are seriously over-constrained here.  

The requirement that anyone should be able to build something akin to what we 
build to know a release candidate is acceptable (or for their own purposes) 
seems difficult to meet since the way current distributed binaries are prepared 
is with unknown settings and build configuration (including library, compiler 
and tool [version] dependencies).  Somehow that information must be captured 
and provided as part of the released source, giving others an opportunity to 
identify and address reproducibility problems.  

Having buildbots not at those same levels means that we can't assume buildbots 
provide binaries that work for the current oldest-supported platform for an AOO 
major version.  Is it not the case that buildbots mainly provide a smoke test 
on the build process?  Verifying anything further depends on what developers do 
with the result.  (PS: I can't imagine reverting to Windows XP for a buildbot.)

It might not be necessary to build on the same platform version that an 
executable is intended to run on.  The idea might be to build for the 
lowest-level of supported OS/runtime version.  Would not appropriate 
confirmation be by installation and operation on the lowest supported OS 
version and also the latest, hoping there is no smoke or breakage at either end?

If there are breaking changes between the two ends of our confirmed 
operability, the question is then whether or not we provide adaptation at 
installation or at runtime.  Runtime is preferable to prevent failures when 
there are OS updates or upgrades that don't require re-installation of 
application software products.  

Without such provisions, we will also fail to take advantage of advances in the 
platform that users see with other software products.  I am thinking of 
differences such as the font formatting and scaling issues introduced in 
Windows 7 and later, the changes of Java location on OS X, and encryption 
libraries on *nix flavors.  The OS certification and code signing requirements 
for latest Windows and Macintosh versions also apply here.  There's more.

I'm not saying that we should change our approach to what is supported.  
Somehow, we must remove the brittleness from how we accomplish that and how 
others can confirm/reproduce it.

 - Dennis

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