On 08/21/2016 10:46 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 19/08/2016 Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>> I thought that the basic requirement is that the release manager(s) do
>> any builds on a machine under their [exclusive] individual control.
> This way one would need to rely on individual volunteers to coordinate
> for a release. It is not impossible, of course. All our Apache
> OpenOffice releases have used this model so far. But a shared
> environment allows for knowledge sharing. And a developer can always
> clone the shared VM locally for total control on his builds (assuming
> trust between the PMC members having access). Or he can rebuild his
> environment from scratch, but always with a "reference" VM that he can
> inspect.

Well, this would depend on who wanted access I guess -- I mean given
your original proposal. You didn't' specify how login credentials would
be maintained.

> Anyway I'm not going to start the effort unless someone says that this
> could be useful for Windows builds too.

We REALLY REALLY NEED the CentOS5 32-bit and 64-bit VMS regardless of
what we do for Windows. Conceptually, we COULD use the Win7 buildbot to
spin out the binaries for each language, but, then there's that download
them ALL and do the signing on some other box I was talking about earlier.

I think we need this "production farm" soon! It would be great to set it
up and just run it weekly under cron with ALL langs as soon as possible.

What do you need from us to get this going? Were you planning on doing
the CentOS5 installations and then get back to us? Do you need a
commitment for the WindowsVM?

>> I believe that Andrea has the private key that was issued for that but
>> we have not managed to use it to sign the code.
> It was time-limited and it expired. I'm not sure what Infra decided to
> do (they were examining options for code signing, with no big preference
> for the solution in use; this was about 6 months ago).

OK, we need to touch bases with them. And, find a committer that knows
how to do this.

>> That private key is precious and is not to be shared.
> The understanding in this case is that it shouldn't be on shared
> infrastructure. But the other benefits of shared environments still hold.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

Thanks so much for this update!

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Kay Schenk
Apache OpenOffice

"Things work out best for those who make
 the best of the way things work out."
                         -- John Wooden

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