Eric Bastarache wrote:
My name is Eric Bastarache and I have experience in both web design and 
development, and I am interested in contributing to improving the look of the 
website(s) for OpenOffice.

Welcome! Both the web and the code areas of OpenOffice require a bit of patience; we can guide you through all details (probably Marcus, who is the most prolific contributor to the website, will step in) but I'll give you some basic information on how the OpenOffice site differs from an ordinary site.

First, it's all static HTML and markdown. Yes, no CMS, no preprocessing, no PHP, nothing. We do have some limited preprocessing in the form of server-side includes for some common DIVs, but that's all. JavaScript is used extensively to cope with server-side restrictions.

The site is built through SVN commits. You can checkout the site (a few GBytes) with
$ svn co
As for building it locally, it uses an ASF (Apache Software Foundation) thing that is known as "the CMS" but has little to do with any CMS you would consider.

CSS: We are not using any CSS frameworks at the moment; not even JS frameworks despite the quite active use of JavaScript. Adopting one, though, wouldn't be an obstacle, since the site is built from static content anyway (so one would either use SASS and "watch" the files with Compass, or compile the CSS in any other way before committing).

Are you prepared to work with this constraints? Then we'd love to get some help and we can continue the discussion! If you have expertise with more modern web systems, we could still use your help somehow, so don't be scared in case.


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