Dennis E. Hamilton schreef op 16-09-2016 18:23:

However, OneDrive does accept ODT documents and they can be viewed
on-line via Microsoft Office Web Apps (now called Office Online).
There is online editing although it might require being a Microsoft
Office user.  I will have to check that.  Also, it might be that a
Linux-operating browser isn't compatible with what the Web Apps

Oh, apologies. I seriously had not been able to find "Office Online" when I had searched for it :-/.

I haven't been able to test it and the site is very slow, also your screens didn't make it through(?).

I can say I instantly dislike it though. But then, I dislike most of anything Microsoft does these days (that started with Windows 7 and the ribbon and the new configuration screen and start menu, and got much worse with Windows 8).

I probably personally could not get myself to use this product (Office Online) even though it seems to work fine with Linux (I am not an exclusive Linux user, but for now..) and Google Docs is just a much better product from my point of view,

but I myself am currently also a Lumia user (and I detest it) and because Google has its accounts linked to everything (YouTube, etc.) I run a much larger risk of having to dump my "Google Accounts" because something happens in one of the other "services" that makes me want to get rid of it. This is why personally I hesitate strongly to use Google for anything permanent or even persistent.

For me, Microsoft is only : OneDrive and my (this) phone. Microsoft is also more married to the platform (of Windows). So for me personally Microsoft has a great advantage because the chances that I will dump my Microsoft account "for no good reason" are just much slimmer (knocks on dead wood).

Microsoft software is abysmal compared to android from my POV. But the platform itself has advantages for me (Windows 10, OneDrive). I guess my stance on OpenOffice should change.

But I still think there are two aspects that speak in its favour:

* the desktop is being abandoned by many suppliers. However it is in part hype. Tablets are not really that usable and even hybrid devices have their detriments. They are not sturdy, you can lose components, you cannot replace batteries, etc. etc. Ideally there'd be cloud services offered by smaller suppliers that do not have to be as big as the big software companies but that can "tackle on" to a larger framework where actual hosting is done by independents of some sort, but the framework is supported by a community or industry standard.

* Microsoft software is just very poor ;-).

LibreOffice does not really target Windows users at all. I hardly doubt I can find a person within 10 minutes of searching on the street (I live in a city centre, and it is friday night) who has ever heard about LibreOffice if I tried. Well, one person would, but it was a techie, and another whom I meet now and then is also a programmer.

"Free Software" does not inspire anyone outside of tech, really, apart from the fact that you don't have to pay money for it.

People are perfectly fine with not being in "control" of their devices in that sense.

As long as their devices do what needs to be done, they don't give jack shit about who is doing it or who controls the software, mostly.

So if LibreOffice's only selling point is "FOSS" or because of its superior build system or because of its lean code, well... that only applies to programmers, and programmer-lovers, not to actual real people.

I use LibreOffice today because it looks better, but even though I don't like it, I really have to use Google Docs or risk losing my work due to crashes or the inability to undo.

Of course (???) people mention that developing for LibreOffice is much easier (?) than for AOO.

But LibreOffice really has no future other than becoming like the only open source Linux solution that exists.

There is not going to be a future where Windows or Mac users will ever want to know about it. People are not interested in a product that only has great quality code, but not great quality features or anything of the kind.

So the future for AOO, if there is any, still lies with Windows users mostly.

It is still the free alternative, but these days the free alternative must also support cloud services.

That's all I can say. If Microsoft software doesn't support ODF all that well, then maybe you just have to deal with that in a way.

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