Get message “502 Bad Gateway” when trying to downloadversion 4.1.5 using Google 
Chrome. Running Windows 10.


| Problem description | Exchange this text to describe the problem 

(What does not work? What do you expect?) |
| Browser variables | Values |
| navigator.appCodeName | Mozilla |
| navigator.appName | Netscape |
| navigator.appVersion | 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36 |
| navigator.platform | Win32 |
| navigator.oscpu | undefined |
| navigator.cpuClass | undefined |
| navigator.product | Gecko |
| navigator.productSub | 20030107 |
| navigator.vendor | Google Inc. |
| navigator.vendorSub |  |
| navigator.language | en-US |
| navigator.browserLanguage | undefined |
| navigator.userLanguage | undefined |
| navigator.systemLanguage | undefined |
| navigator.userAgent | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) 
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36 |
| Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ? | No / No / No |
| Stable Release |   |
| JavaScript functions/variables | Values |
| Language ISO code |  |
| Language ISO code (from select box) |  |
| Release matrix platform position (full) |  |
| Release matrix platform position (lp) |  |
| Release matrix platform array data |  |
| Release matrix language array data |  |
| UI platform name |  |
| UI platform name (not supported) |  |
| Platform (short) |  |
| URL platform name (full) |  |
| URL platform name (lp) |  |
| URL platform name (from select box) |  |
| Version (from select box) |  |
| File name (full) |  |
| File name (lp) |  |
| File extension |  |
| File size (full) (MByte) |  |
| File size (lp) (MByte) |  |
| Release info |  |
| Download file link (full) |  |
| Download file link (lp) |  |
| Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5) |  |
| Checksum file link (lp) (here for MD5) |  |
| Base URL to |  |
| Base URL to Apache Archive |  |
| getLinkSelection() (download URL) |  |
| isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ? |  |
| Show the sub-box (true/false) ? |  |
| General error (true/false) ? |

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