Am 25.02.2018 um 22:01 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> CCing Dave since it is clear that SourceForge is having some issues
> with the OpenOffice downloads.
> I didn't manage to reproduce the problem (I made some attempts with
> different files and downloads always started correctly for me), but we
> are seeing a regular stream of reports from users who cannot download
> OpenOffice. Now at more than a dozen over the weekend. The picture at
> is rather
> clear.
> Perhaps some DNS issues or a broken mirror?

More a DDoS, see:


> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> On 25/02/2018 Esti Flan wrote:
>> Problem description
>> Server Error
>> Browser variables
>> Values
>> navigator.appCodeName
>> Mozilla
>> navigator.appName
>> Netscape
>> navigator.appVersion
>> 5.0 (Windows)
>> navigator.platform
>> Win64
>> navigator.oscpu
>> Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64
>> navigator.cpuClass
>> undefined
>> navigator.product
>> Gecko
>> navigator.productSub
>> 20100101
>> navigator.vendor
>> navigator.vendorSub
>> navigator.language
>> en-US
>> navigator.browserLanguage
>> undefined
>> navigator.userLanguage
>> undefined
>> navigator.systemLanguage
>> undefined
>> navigator.userAgent
>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101
>> Firefox/58.0
>> Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ?
>> No / No / No
>> Stable Release
>> JavaScript functions/variables
>> Values
>> Language ISO code
>> en-US
>> Language ISO code (from select box)
>> en-US
>> Release matrix platform position (full)
>> 11
>> Release matrix platform position (lp)
>> 12
>> Release matrix platform array data
>> y,134
>> Release matrix language array data
>> en-US,English (US),English (US),y,download/index.html
>> UI platform name
>> Windows (EXE)
>> UI platform name (not supported)
>> Platform (short)
>> win32
>> URL platform name (full)
>> Win_x86_install
>> URL platform name (lp)
>> Win_x86_langpack
>> URL platform name (from select box)
>> win32
>> Version (from select box)
>> 4.1.5
>> File name (full)
>> Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.5_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe
>> File name (lp)
>> Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.5_Win_x86_langpack_en-US.exe
>> File extension
>> .exe
>> File size (full) (MByte)
>> 134
>> File size (lp) (MByte)
>> 18
>> Release info
>> Milestone AOO415m1 | Build ID 9789 | SVN r1817496 | Released 2017-12-30
>> Download file link (full)
>> Download file link (lp)
>> Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5)
>> Checksum file link (lp) (here for MD5)
>> Base URL to
>> Base URL to Apache Archive
>> getLinkSelection() (download URL)
>> undefined
>> isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ?
>> true
>> Show the sub-box (true/false) ?
>> true
>> General error (true/false) ?
>> false
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