
"- but there is nothing beyond some hierarchy placeholders for service
The abovesaid information about the "interfaces a service provides" is
stored in the rdb file and is
most probably useful in parsing of requests made to URE.
Information about the implementation of a service is registered seperately
when you run
the utility "regcomp" specifying the .jar/.so file of your code.
Both the pieces of information are indispensable for a complete description
of a service
to be there.


Arindam Ray Mukherjee
Persistent Systems Private Ltd.
MTS, Agilent Zenith.
ph no:
office : 25678900 - 2607
mob no : 9890489321

-----Original Message-----
From: John Sisson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 5:01 AM
To: dev@openoffice.org
Subject: [dev] UNO service development

Maybe I am missing something, but I am having a hard time with UNO
development of 'services' for Java.
I can specify two IDLS - (stripped) code as follows:
==== the interface ====
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
module com {  module nxps {  module nxadv {  module unotest { module
interfaces {
  interface XJsTestOne: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface {
    boolean checkText( [in] string sCheckText );
    boolean triggerComplete([in] long waitSeconds );
}; }; }; }; };
==== the service ====
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.idl>
#include "XJsTestOne.idl"
module com {  module nxps {  module nxadv {  module unotest { module
services {
  service JsTestOne {
    interface com::nxps::nxadv::unotest::interfaces::XJsTestOne;
    interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
    [property] string   sDocumentId;
    [property] string   sMacroParams;
    [property] string   sMacroResult;
    [property] string   sTriggerInvoked;
    [property] string   sTriggerComplete;
}; }; }; }; };
build proceeds using some ant targets modeled after the generic devguide
- this runs 'idlc' and 'regmerge' and creates a file JsTestOne.uno.rdb
- running 'regview' on this shows that there is a spec for interface
- but there is nothing beyond some hierarchy placeholders for service
running 'javamaker' produces a skeleton JsTestOne.java and no evidence
of JsTestOne.

This seems to be the case for all the other stuff in the devguide.
- so the service 'specification' is implemented entirely in user-written
- no evidence of its contract is in the rdb file

There seems to be no point in writing or maintaining service IDL.
- unless it is to be used in extension of the service by some other
service idl.
- is this so?
- maybe it should be in the devguide.

What have I missed here?
The Visbroker Corba codewright engine created stubs for both interfaces
and services.

Thank you, John Sisson

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