On 4/5/05 8:38 AM, "Joerg Barfurth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can restrict access to individual settings by providing a
> configuration data (.xcu) file and using the protection attributes
> (oor:finalized and oor:mandatory) in that file to mark individual
> settings or entire subtrees as protected from further (e.g. user)
> modification.
> If you deploy your component with its configuration data as a shared UNO
> package, this data is imported into the basic OOo installation structure
> and should generally end up in a file that is not user-writable.
> You can't currently manipulate the access control attributes via the
> API. Manipulating protected data via the administrative API should leave
> the protection in place.

It's been a few weeks but I wanted to catch up on this again.

Can you expand on what you are referring to when you state protected
attributes can be modified via the "administrative API"? I'm adding the
configuration data via an .xcu file now so I'm going to experiment with the
finalized/mandatory settings. I need to provide an "administrative UI" to
allow edits by admins however I'm not clear on how I can separate the two.


- Brian

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