Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Mathias Bauer wrote:
>> So we invested quite some time for the JRE plugin framework solely(!) to
>> support the integration of other JREs than the one we usually ship, and
>> we did that only to support free[TM] ones. I think this pure fact should
>> convince people that we are taking this serious and that we are
>> interested in a good cooperation with developers that lean towards the
>> free[TM] software movement.
> Yes. I think that with the above, the OOo developers are doing well, and 
> now we need to "market" this better. I've been responding to a lot of 
> questions on Newsroge, LinuxToday and elswhere, and I'll try to put 
> together some sort of Java FAQ page setting the record straight.

Many thanks to you and Scott for representing us in all these
discussions! This is very important for the project, at least that's my
personal opinion.

>> The rant I'm argueing against is the demonization of Java in general. I
>> think *this* should stop. Even the guru (or pope if you prefer) of the
>> free[TM] software movement is not against using Java - if the code runs
>> with a free[TM] JRE. And we are willing to support that.
> Which, incidentally, means that the FSF "pope" should not be demonized 
> either (I'm not saying you did, but other people do). He's not really an 
> unreasonable person, as shown just now.

Yes, he is very respectable person who has a lot of interesting opinions
and - as our example shows - is open for arguments.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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