Hi Philip,

*NO* !!!!,

When I run dmake, I got another error:
not found", but that is not true because the file
actually exists.

Can anyone help me to fix it?

Perhaps the mix of slashes and that backslash might be the problem?
You'd probably have to replace ever slash in every path with the
appropriate backslash...


you don't have to change anything manually in the build environment
files, configure, bootstrap and friend take care of this.

If you have to change something, please file an issue and report to this
mailing list.


P.S.: If you are really interested why the slash is wrong: He didn't use
--with-use-shell=tcsh, and at that time (9 month ago) that meant use
4NT. 4NT builds don't need the ./bootstrap command, therfore nothing

P.P.S.: The default changed to tcsh a while ago.

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