On Wednesday 25 May 2005 08:36,  the author Ian G contributed to the dialogue 
on [dev] Re: XML/EDI questions:
& On Wednesday 25 May 2005 16:07, Vizion wrote:
& > Hi
& >
& > Does anyone know if there is are any open XML schemas for EDI?
& A lot depends on what you mean by EDI.  If I recall,
& it first came to prominence back in the early 80s.
& Something similar is http://xml-x.org/ which is a
& invented-by-user payments protocol in XML and
& also implemented in Java.  It was done by a couple
& of guys who needed it (me and another) so it is
& quite small and refined and does what we need.
& If you are in the payments world it is worth a look.
& > If not strikes me as an interesting project for open source
 collaboration. & > I do not know whether my impression is accurate or not,
 but it seems to me & > that the current approach towards EDI seems to be
 focused on an exclusive & > approach towards the distribution of EDI
 standards rather then open access. &
& Yes, it's a committee / standards organisation.
& These organisations are for taking the working
& systems of others and making them available for
& a wider audience;  but as EDI was a concept not
& a working system, I wouldn't hold your breath.  I
& have never heard of a successful trial - is there
& one?
Oh there are now over 300 schemas for EDI's used extensively by large 
corporations for interchange. For example a major disk drive manufacturer 
used it for exchange between both supopliers and distributoes. It used by 
governement and hundreds if not thousands of large corporations. The oproblem 
is you have to pay thousands of dollars to get the information and/or off 
shelve software to benefit from this technology.


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