Hi Laurent, Cyrille,

Then it appears it might be my turn to stand corrected... But on that
page it states that "These are the same compiler and linker that ship
with Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional" (regarding the C/C++
compiler and linker) so I'm a bit puzzled as to which magical features
we need for compilation.
The magical features are MFC and ATL. I spend quite a lot of time
getting an early 680 to build with VCTK (Hint search issuezilla for
VCTK) and got it to run with the libraries from my .NET2003.

But that was rather academic because you need the .NET2003 (VS|C++)
license to be allowed to use these. (And, yes I know that some libraries
come with the PSDK, but not these ( not for x86, you might be lucky if
you try a "port" to AMD64/Xeon :( ) are not included.

Then again, I was under the impression that
the inclusion of the optimising compiler as opposed to some downgraded
one in the toolkit was a recentish move, so possibly the comment is
not accurate. It would have to be tested. At any rate, I apologise if
I caused confusion on this topic.
The compiler is fine, unfortunately MS omitted some crucial libs, so
that you are forced to buy a "real" version.

(As a sidenote, you can buy the cheap (non-optimising) .NET professional
C++ compiler, and add the compiler (the programs) from VCTK and update
your installation to a full optimized compiler installation with all
libraries ;) )

There is no problem for me :)
And i'm very happy that you pointed the toolkit

in fact, after switching to linux to compil OOo (as it was far more
easier even if i discovered this OS), i now want to go back to windows
(only to compil, this time i'll not change my working tools - i
definitivelly stuck with linux ;) )

so, as i've a new winXP PC, i want to setup a build environnement where
i can test things (and perharps doing some test for the french labo if
requested ;) )

So, perharps the page i pointed is out of date
but i think we should provide links at this level where to retreive the
needed compiler
No, the page is very up to date. If you find something that is missing
in the build instructions, please post, and I'll add it.


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