* Jürgen Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050715 09:37]:
> Pierre-Andre Galmes wrote:
> >Hello,

Hello Jürgen,

I apologize for the delay answering, but as you may know, in France last
days were non-working days, so no internet connection for me. ^_^
In this mail, I will just focus on the idea of a new tool like "qmake".

I - The context :

> >- How are the Makefile in the exemples of the SDK created ? By hand ?

> yes[...]

> >- How do you generate the makefiles in general ? Do you use
> >  automake/autoconf or any other tool ?
> no, as i said the makefiles are created by hand. OO itself used a build 
> environment based on dmake. The SDK build env. was mainly introduced to 
> build the examples easily on all platforms.

II - A new tool :

> >- Is there a tool like qmake for QT that generates the Makefile for us
> >  from the files in the project directory ?
> no, but it would be nice to have it. 

I think it would be nice too, in particular, now that the URE will be
released as a separate component of OpenOffice.org. That way, new
projects could be managed really easily. It could really help newcomers
to OpenOffice to start understanding the API, and developers to earn
time !

III - Short description for the tool :

For example, such a tool by just typing commands like would generate
everything to be done (IDL transformation, compilation...) in a
transparent way for the developper.

$ ooomake -project              // (1)
$ ooomake                       // (2)
$ make                          // (3)

(1) - Generates a file containing the dependencies the source files.
Example :

TEMPLATE = my_app
OOO  += writer          // project depends on the writer API.

# Input
HEADERS += hello.h
SOURCES += hello.cpp
SOURCES += main.cpp

(2) - generates the Makefile

(3) - launches the Makefile

IV - links - 

qmake tutorial - http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/qmake-tutorial.html
qmake doc - http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/qmake-manual.html

Do you think it would be a good idea try to develop such a "tool" ? I
suppose that ooomake could mainly call other tools (idlc...), to get the
work done. Would it be useful to add a feature request for such a tool ? 

> Juergen

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