Hi Matthias,

> I've just tested m118 without Base and I like the feature set. I
> especially like the reduced Base dialog that allows the user to edit
> existing databases and to use existing queries but does not allow
> saving to another file, creating new tables or queries etc.
> From the POV of our policy this seems even more useful than having no
> Base UI at all, because that way users can still work with existing
> databases provided by the admin but can not create their own.
> ...
> Well, in m118 you can open them with File/Open, but there's not filter
> for odb files, you have to use "All Files".

Uhoh. The fact that you can still open databases by simply using a more
generic filter in the dialog is a bug which I did not dare to mention
:-\ So, be prepared that this will change some time (or at least users
will be given control over it at installation time).

However, regarding this particular bug, and also the "Future Tasks" in
the specification, be assured that it's *most* unlikely that anything
will change 'til 2.0. The changes we would need to do for this are
simply not important enough for 2.0 anymore, so this is definately an
2.x issue, at most.

Thus, in all conscience: You can rely on the current state being the
same in 2.0.

> I also like that the Mail Merge wizard still exists and the
> Insert/Fields/Other.../Database tab still works.

If those are ever to be removed when Base is disabled, then I would
definately make this a separate option, independent from the main Base
GUI. Something like "also do not install application integration".

> In m118 the DSB can still be invoked programmtically with the code you
> helped me write recently. So we can provide our own macro and button
> to open it and it's not really a problem that it's gone.

Yes, only the UI to access it is removed.

>>>Any other ideas how I can make life more difficult for users who want
>>>to use the Base GUI?
>>One could manually de-register certain UNO services, so that certain
>>functionality becomes unavailable. 
> How do I do that?

Which concrete functionality do you want to disable?

The basic idea is that a lot of functionality exists and is invoked as
UNO service. Registered services are managed in the "services.rdb" in
the program directory (which implies everything you do applies to all
users of an installation, which probably is what you want).

AFAIK, you can remove services from the services.rdb programmatically,
but I would have to look up or ask myself. Something in the
com.sun.star.registry module - I know I once did it, but lost the code
... Will try.

So depending on which functionality you want to remove, we need to find
the respective service name, and revoke it from the registry.

> Well it looks like the way implemented in m118 would be enough to
> solve my problem, although I will have to discuss this with my
> superiors before I can be sure. The thing I'm worrying about is how
> stable the m118 feature set is. Reading [1]  gives me the impression
> that it is not stable, that disabling Base at installation time will
> remove more functionality in future.

As said: It's most unlikely that anything will change for 2.0, and for
later changes, I hope we will do it right and allow fine-grained control
at installation time.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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