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Very interesting.  I forward your mail on [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

Rasca a écrit :

I downloaded and installed (just copied) the OOrc3 for macosx_ppc.

As long as the preference folder (~/.openoffice.org2/) is
on a network folder (here: macosx server with network user
profiles) OO doesn't run. More precisely: It starts but
as soon as I click on the menue (e.g. "Datei" - means "File",
I tested the german build) the application crashes.

If I create /tmp/oo and point with a symbolic link
".openoffice.org2" to this place: no problem.

I'm not sure to understand what you do. Could you please give us a complete process to reproduce your issue ?

Thank's in advance  :-)

Eric Bachard

Francophone OpenOffice.org Commmunity developer (Linux PPC / Mac OS X / X11)
See : <http://fr.openoffice.org>

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