Hello ,

* I'm using Java, to access openOffice 2 UNO component. I'm trying to add items to the contextMenu inside OpenOffice - I used the example from sdk for that.

*Then the user choses the Item "Search Word" from the contextMenu, I want my own function to be called. The problem is : I don't know how to do that. As I understand it, I have to use xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("CommandURL", String). But which String to pass? Do I have to make an UNO component to call my own function from OpenOffice?

Thanks in advance ,


*this is the example I took from sdk. It calls the help navigator. How to modify it, to call my own function, e.g. void foo() ?

// intialize help/content menu entry

XPropertySet xMenuEntry = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("Text", "Search Word");
xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("CommandURL", "slot:5401");
xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("HelpURL", "5401");

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