
when I downloaded and started to use the Mac OS X version of OpenOffice 2.0 I got really annoyed on it at first.

I quickly found out that I wasn't annoyed at OpenOffice, but at X11. There's a "bug" witch forces an empty command window to launch every single time OpenOffice (X11) is launched.

After a few minutes of searching the web for information about how I could prevent this window from opening, I soon realized that there wasn't a good solution for this out there. A also noticed that users said that they didn't use OpenOffice because of «that really annoying blank window».

Regular users don't need this window. Therefor I wrote a little AppleScript witch disables the black window and I though that this was something that a lot of other Mac-users could use too!

Therefor I suggest that the dmg download of OpenOffice.org 2.0 includes this little app of mine witch disables the black window. It's just a little something that you'll have to run once and that's it.

The AppleScript is as simple as the one you see below, but could be a really useful tool to include in the download for a better user experience for first time users.

do shell script "perl -p -e 's/xterm &/# xterm &/' /private/etc/X11/ xinit/xinitrc > ~/.xinitrc"

This could be compiled to a little app.

Another little thing that could really improve the whole OpenOffice experience for Mac users would be to include the NeoLight Spotlight indexer ( http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/spotlight/ neolightneoofficespotlightimporter.html ) with the download.

The last improvement suggestion would be to compress and wrap up the whole dmg a little neater and have some instructions there too. A suggestion below.


Just contact me if some of this sounds interesting or if you don't understand a word of my english.
Daniel Aleksandersen, student, Norway
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