Hi Ivo,

On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 22:09:14 +0200, Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:

> >dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbadmin.src did not contain UTF-8 encoded german
> >strings at all, neither with nor without signature byte. Instead, the
> >umlauts seemed to exist in the old encoding. /me is confused.
> this is a bug! As the cws has not been integrated in the timeframe I 
> expected, I was forced to resync several times. Thus this is a merge 
> conflict. Please save as UTF8 and search / replace broken "umlauts" if 
> needed.

I also experienced that with resources I added in a CWS I resynced to
m132 a while ago. The reason was, that the entries I added in the CWS
contained umlauts in latin1 encoding, as that was the state-of-the-art
encoding at that time, and resyncing those of course did not result in
a merge conflict but just merged-in the new lines. This can happen in
any CWS and you only notice if you actually read the source code or view
the squares displayed in the UI. The cure would be to change the
resource compiler to not accept and compile invalid utf-8 sequences,
which latin1 umlauts are, but bail out with an error instead.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter bedevilled i18n transpositionizer.
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