On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 16:05 +0200, David Fraser wrote:
> Ian Laurenson wrote:

> >What I'm proposing is having the files stored in Open Document Format
> >and using Writer as the browser/editor of the information. While I don't
> >have all the details thought through - I think it an idea worth
> >investigating/discussing.
> >
> I'd rather have something as full-featured as MediaWiki up and running 
> as a centralized wiki for OpenOffice.org straight away than wait for a 
> new system like this.


> It may be better to then write a plugin to MediaWiki to allow Writer to 
> edit the files and send them back but surely most OOo people have a web 
> browser? I don't understand what makes using Writer better than using 
> the Wiki editor

Compared to the full featured editing environment that Writer provides a
Wiki editor is crude. Please don't get me wrong, I like wikis and am
strongly in favour of them, that is why I started the wiki on writing
OOo extensions: ext.openoffice.org.nz. It is just that I see the Open
Document Format as being an opportunity to dramatically improve the
usability of interactive web content.

I haven't investigated writing plugins for MediaWiki. I think it would
would be easy to modify my DokuWiki macro to produce the somewhat crude
text file format for MediaWiki:

Agreed, all OOo users/developers will have a browser, and all computer
users don't have OpenOffice. But, all OOo developers will have OOo and
this makes it an ideal place to experiment with using the Open Document
format as a standard for interactive web content for things like wikis.


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