
First of all, have a quick look at: <http://tools.openoffice.org#Build>
Especially the part about the build with "- 4nt tools build is currently broken -"
should give you a hunch that you are heavily on your own if you try to
build with 4nt.

I see, I didn't build since SRC680_m33 I believe, so I didn't aware that 4NT is
not supported now, what I have on hand was a built guide based on 4NT for
OOo 2.x... the title is "Building OpenOffice.org 2.x (680er series) under Windows
with 4NT"...

Sorry for being ignorance...

Having said this I must say that I tried to fix the W32-4nt build before
2.0.0 was released and I thought it should work.
I guess you are using the native W32 unzip.exe.


Can you try the following: Use the native W32 zip.exe, like mentioned in the 4nt build instructions, but use the unzip.exe from the cygwin unzip package.
This might help, please report back.

I change to the cygwin unzip again and the error this time is different, I hope that you don't mind me to email me that log file directly instead of to the dev
list, since it's not too small even gzip'ed.
Actually I do. Please open an issue 
choose vq as owner and attach the logfile to that issue.

Did you remove the wntmsci10.pro/ directory in instsetoo_native before
rebuilding? If not, do that first and try to build again.


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