Andrej Golovko wrote:

I have a problem when trying to add custom menus to
the OO 2.0 with Java.

I've translated the Basic-based example from
into Java. It works only to some extent. The place
with the problem is marked with the "PROBLEM" keyword
in the code. Short: a custom submenu is not shown,
something like the separator is shown insteed. The
submenu is show under certain condition, this is
mentioned in the code.

Hi Andrej,

I looked over your example and I am not sure what you want to do. Can you please explain what do you want to achieve? Create a new top-level menu or do you want to add a popup menu into an existing top-level menu, like "File"?

One comment to your example. Please NEVER create a settings container using a ui configuration manager and insert it into another container. A container which is created by a ui configuration manager is always a root container! Every container itself is a factory to create its own sub containers. The referenced example in oooforum is wrong in that point!


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